So... I started working on a 3D model of the Yamaha ET 250 about a year ago just to learn different modeling techniques and mid process I thought "This might do justice in that SledSimulator game I played a couple years ago"
But I never posted anything about it on the forum simply because I forgot about it...
But I found it again so I thought I might share it on here to get some critique and if there's any chance that it could be implemented into the game, also it'd be really cool to make a contribution to such an awesome project.
So just a disclaimer: This isn't even close to half done by now but if people show interest I'd be happy to finish it.
So here it is.
You can see that I'm not going for 100% accuracy since that might become a copyright problem.
Current specs for the model
Polygons: 2943 (could potentially be decreased)
Points: 3166
Tell me what you think!
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