The forum is ENGLISH only. Do not insult other peoples grammar.
Do not spam.
No spam, abuse or misuse of the contact me page
No advertising.
No linking to illegal, pornographic or harmful sites.
No pornographic or sexual content is allowed.
Be helpful, have a nice tone and respect each other.
No unnecessary swearing.
Do not post copyright-infringing material.
Do not post offensive posts, links or images.
No discrimination, insulting or bullying or personal attacks.
Use search function before posting a new post.
Make sure you post in the correct section in the forum. If you are uncertain say so in the post.
No double posting.
Do not post personal information.
No need to use caps-lock on at all times.
Use descriptive titles that describes your post accurately.
Keep on topic.
Use common sense!
Post will be moved or deleted.
Personal warning.
Deleted account.
Life time ban.